There’s a little madness in all of us and it’s up to us to find it. While basic human instinct is to control everything around, some of us thrive in chaos. Whether it’s action or adventure, having a taste for it is a quality that can’t be denied. If you love to say yes to life and love to experience the unknown, you’re probably a bit of a wild child. And this is the story of your life:

1. You don’t think twice about tattoos, body piercings or colouring your hair. You want, you get it.

2. You can carry off leather pants and boxers with equal elan. Yes, you wear boxers in public!

3. You’re not embarrassed to take your shirt off and scream your lungs out in the excitement of celebrations.

4. You get up and get out of town at a moment’s notice because planning is for the weak!

5. Odd hours? What’s that!

6. You love to indulge all your senses and experience everything once.

7. For you, the term ‘excess’ isn’t bad at all.

8. You work hard and you balance that out by playing all that much harder.

9. You’re perpetually wired and have to keep doing something all the time, be it talking to people or playing a sport.

10. You have a hundred different hobbies, interests and talents because you get bored by things pretty easily.

11. Nature is your playground. Climbing trees and running down hills just feels right to you.

12. You love surprising people and giving them a taste of the unknown by challenging their beliefs.

13. You need a dose of adrenaline rush every now and then, and you’ll go to any limits for it.

14. Going against the herd comes naturally to you and your friends always know to expect the unexpected.

15. Hell yeah, you’ve danced on table-tops in public!

16. In fact, singing and dancing just about anywhere plays a big part in your life philosophy.

17. And living every day like there’s no tomorrow is an even bigger part of that life view.

Never change, you wild, wild thing!