Despite living in the 21st century, there’s some things that just never change. One of those is the stupidly outdated and stereotypical depiction of Arabs and Muslims in popular culture. Most movies and TV shows present them as war torn and repressed places with a gang about to abduct you around every corner. The truth is, these places are just as modern and civilised as any place else, at least to an extent, as 9gag happily shows us.

Check it out.

1. Qatar in Hollywood movies Vs. Qatar in real life

2. Egypt in Hollywood movies Vs. Egypt in real life

3. Abu Dhabi in Hollywood movies Vs. Abu Dhabi in real life

4. Jordan in Hollywood movies Vs. Jordan in real life

5. Dubai in Hollywood movies Vs. Dubai in real life

6. Arab men in Hollywood movies Vs. Arab men in real life

7. Arab women in Hollywood movies Vs. Arab women in real life

8. Arab princes in Hollywood movies Vs. Prince Hashem of Jordan

9. Arab princesses in movies Vs. Arab princesses in real life