Superstar Amitabh Bachchan is likely to lose rights to his father’s work, renowned poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan who died in 2003. 

The actor expressed his anger on his blog where he vehemently opposed the copyright law in India which deals with literary work.

According to the copyright law of India, the copyright of original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works lasts for 60 years which is counted from the year following the death of the author. This means that after 60 years, the work will be available for the general public to use. 

Claiming his right over his father’s works, the actor argued:

Written copyright and whatever else in the realm lives 60 years after the passing with the elements of them that be the rightful uttradhikari. Really? So who designed 60 years? why 60 why not 61, or why not perpetuity !!
Mumbai Mirror

Stating that he’s the rightful heir to all his father’s works, the actor strongly expressed his anger and said:

I OPPOSE, DISAGREE, LAMENT, DISPUTE, BE IN VARIANCE OF, IN VEHEMENT LOUD SCREAMS OF VOICE .. EVER. My inheritance be mine…not another’s after the passing of its stipulated time in years .. 60 .. i am genetically my Father’s son .. he be willed to me of all that be in asset of his .. his writings be his .. his heir be me .. his writings be mine .. MINE ! I shall not and will not allow its dilution to general public.

So, what are your views on the copyright act?