Every other day, we come across news about someone in some part of the country who took their life when all else failed. Sometimes, the reasons are heart-wrenching and the other times, rather bizarre. But no matter what the case, it always makes one wonder if the value of life is fast depreciating in our society.

Recently, Nagarathna Srinivas alias Nagarathnamma, a 50-year-old Bengaluru woman hanged herself in her Cholurpalya residence. The reason? Her husband Srinivas, who has been paralyzed for many years, apparently didn’t like the sambar she made. 


A family of three, Srinivas, 55, and his wife, Nagarathna, used to stay at home fighting over minor issues after he suffered a stroke many years ago. Their son, Mithun, runs an electronics shop on SP Road and used to work from 8 am to 10 pm. 

“The couple would fight over trivial issues and Srinivas would get upset if Nagarathna shouted back at him,” the police said.


According to the family members, Srinivas used to work as a technical assistant in a private factory in Peenya industrial area for many years but had to quit after the stroke. As a result, he went into depression. 

According to a report by The Times of India, when Srinivas criticised the sambar made by his wife, she lost her cool and retorted saying that was the best she could do. 

“Srinivas accused her of neglecting him as he was unemployed and stayed at home. Nagarathna tried to placate him by saying that wasn’t what she meant. But Srinivas blamed himself and continued to rebuke her,” the police said.

Highly disturbed after the fight, Nagarathna locked herself in the room and took the extreme step to end her own life.

It’s an unfortunate turn in the family’s life and all our prayers go out to Srinivas and his son.