Indian roads are a nightmare – this isn’t new information. People can get pretty aggressive, to say the very least, in the case of an accident, or any other sort of altercation, really. And yet this beautiful story reminds us that this aggression I speak of, isn’t all that’s out there.

Marc Knight parked his bike at a hospital in Chennai on Saturday and he returned to a broken tail light and an apology note.

Not only that, the man who caused damage to his bike, left inside the note, a couple of hundred rupees as compensation for the accident.

It really is one of those stories that show us humanity ain’t a thing of the past.

Knight posted his experience on Facebook in hopes that the man who did this will see it and know that he feels deep gratitude.

We sure hope you see this, mystery man of extraordinary integrity. And we salute you for being one of the few men who don’t just speak in ideals, but live them.

All images are sourced from Facebook