A Border Security Force (BSF) jawan has been handed down a seven-day pay cut as penalty for forgetting to affix ‘honourable’ or ‘Shri’ while referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 

According to a report filed by The Times Of India, constable Sanjeev Kumar had used the word ‘Modi programme’ during the zero parade (a routine exercise to account for jawans’ daily activities). The incident took place when he was giving a report at the BSF’s 15th Battalion headquarters in West Bengal’s Mahatpur. 


Kumar’s mistake was reportedly termed by the forces as a form of ‘disrespect’ to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and therefore, the commanding officer of the battalion, Commandant Anup Lal Bhagat, decided to initiate disciplinary action against him. 

He was tried summarily and found ‘guilty’ under Section 40 of the BSF Act.