Women all over the world are coming ahead and boycotting Twitter for a day after it suspended Rose McGowan’s account for speaking out against Harvey Weinstein and Ben Affleck. According to reports, Twitter found her language in the tweets offensive.


Twitter is supposed to be a medium of free speech and silencing a voice of reason that is giving others courage to come out and share their stories is not something people are taking lightly. 


 This is what Twitter had to say on the matter.

Since, Twitter has resorted to the classic case of silencing a woman when she’s right, people have started a hashtag #WomenBoycottTwitter to protest against it. It’s trending even in India.

Needed to be said!

Women are pointing out the irony behind the ban.

Even Indian politicians are coming ahead in support.

Many other men have joined the fight.

The fight is against online abuse and to force Twitter to formulate better rules and regulations to prevent and punish trolls who issue threats to women. 

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