The original article written by Chinki Sinha featured on Firstpost and has been reproduced with permission.
Drawing the curtains on gigolos, even if gigolos don’t make as blooming and well-known an industry as women sex-workers do, the city houses many in it. People often come across online advertisements of male gigolos that promise to deliver just the perfect sounding men, waiting to please women the way they want to be pleased and all of it, without pinching the pocket.
As an advertisement reads,

But things don’t always turn out like advertisements allow us to picture them in our mind. Desperate to sell their services, as it turned out, not everything was in the same shade of green. Chinki Sinha reveals,

“I think I am not good looking,” he says, “But I don’t even the have the money to groom myself. I am raw,” he says.

Having encountered clients who do not meet his needs, in an attempt to seek out what he truly looks for, he revealed,

Insecurity hits everyone. With institutionalised sex, comes the need for a sophisticated escort to be nothing less than a Greek God figure and speak fluent English. As Chinki Sinha pointed out,

She continues, “His house is bare except for a little bed and a table. He does odd jobs to get by, and sometimes at night, he stands near restaurants and pubs at the New Friends Colony market hoping to be picked up by flashing a red handkerchief. This used to be the calling card in old days. It still works. But nobody has ever picked him up.
He isn’t expensive, he says. Depending on the time to be devoted, he offers himself for anything between Rs 2,000 and Rs 5,000. A few of his friends got lucky, and he waits for his chance. Meanwhile, he is preparing himself by watching videos, and reading sex stories online.”
There is no shame, no regret. There’s nothing but a burning passion to achieve what you want and be nothing but the best in it.

It is not easy to become a gigolo. You have to charm, attract and stun even when you do not like the client. It is not easy to master the art of fakery and flattery that women have been taught and trained to master for years.
As the trainer who runs a website called Gigolo Training, tries to explain the essence of a good male escort says,

The art of loving a woman and the art of making her feel loved isn’t as easy a task as it seemed before. While a lot of men could be trained to make love, only a few can be trained to want to make love, or feel the passion. As he tells Firstpost,

“Well, I don’t do that. And I train my guys not to do that. I will feed her or hold her close or whisper sweet nothings or just look into her eyes and let her know that I valued the intimacy that just happened…Although a man can be trained do this, he cannot be trained to want to do this; that can only come from within. Either a man has it or he does not. This is one of the key characteristics I observe in a man before accepting him for training,” he told Firstpost.

You cannot call yourself a true gigolo if you fail to please your woman. After all, we are not talking about loving a woman or getting love from one, we are talking about another kind.
Much like geishas, gigolos need to perfect their art and perform with dedication and accuracy. The trainer says,

While the debate continues if it is easier to be a male sex-worker or a female sex-worker, with sex still being a taboo in the society, he admits,
“And unlike female prostitution, there is very little shame involved. According to a male model, it’s a way for him to make ends meet. With no men’s fashion weeks to earn them money, he says, they end up as gigolos, and strippers.”

Source: chedonna
“We get Rs 5,000 for a show. We have to maintain ourselves, and still earn a living,” he says, “We end up doing this, and it isn’t so bad.”

At times, people explore and learn a lot about themselves through their bodies. As the trainer recalls,
The trainer once was a biotech engineer by day, and a gigolo by night. In his words,

Even if gigolos mean business, for many of them, it is easy to get infatuated with the women they bed, only to hurt their sentiments later.

Sinha writes,“But of course, in the midst of desire, as with everything else in India, there’s the matter of class. Gigolos from small towns are often mesmerised with the women they service, women who are empowered, and used to asserting themselves. They fall for them, and are sad to be treated as playthings, called only when needed, even passed around.”
You can read the original article here.
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