A common misconception we have about teenagers is that they don’t think about others, that all they care about is video games, tabloids and their friends. But this group of class twelve students from Chennai did something so simple, so thoughtful, and life-changing for the city’s beggars. Their small steps are making a big difference to the lives of some beggars in the city. 

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu

Perturbed by their plight, the students started an initiative in which they donate a part of their pocket money to help the homeless set up a mode of living. It is only the innocence of a young mind that can come up with such a simple, yet ingenious solution for a serious social issue.

These young kids show us how all of us have the ability to help someone in need. Brought to you by Rajnigandha Silver Pearls, this story of just one of the many such Pearls of India truly gives us hope.