When we think of a snowy Christmas, all too often, most minds would wander off to a brightly lit, crowded New York City adorned with that Christmas-y white fluff. Blame the media for it, and the fact that most places here at home haven’t seen holiday snow in years. But as sucky as 2016 was, this Christmas changed that.

According to Hindustan Times, Shimla, a classic and beloved tourist destination, received snowfall on 25th December for the first time in 25 years!

Hindustan Times
Hindustan Times
Hindustan Times
Hindustan Times

Yes, this last happened in 1991… and trust me, 2016 was far better equipped with cameras to capture all that beauty, so it could truly bring joy to the world… well, to the non-snowy bits of India, at least.

Hindustan Times
Hindustan Times
Hindustan Times

Social media, obviously, rang with festive posts of spectacular moments in the snow.


Needless to say, Christmas snow – universally recognised as the pinnacle of festive joy – brought smiles to many and it’s a day that will be remembered for a long time to come.

Everyone that saw these pictures, apart form the lucky bastards that witnessed it are all echoing the words of the classic Christmas carol. Let it snow, let it snow let it snooowww!