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Alright, so New Year’s Eve is almost here which, quite honestly, means many of us are going to get wasted. And, why not? After all the hard work we’ve put in 2017, celebrations are somewhat necessary. All of it is fun and games until people try to push things way too far by driving under influence. While we all might say,‘”Gaadi tera bhai chalayega” thinking that we’re control, the truth is we really aren’t.

According to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway, 4.6% of India’s road fatality figures are directly linked to drunk driving. 

A huge portion of this happens during New Year’s Eve. It’s about time we realized that taking the back seat won’t really bruise our ego. While we’re still thinking what to do, Uber has come up with a fun and thought series of ads. It features their drivers who are, in a charmingly candid fashion, urging you to #LeaveYourKeysBehind. Also, for this conscious (or rather unconscious) choice of yours, they’ll happily give you five stars for your ride. Now, how cool is that? 

Here’s another one in the series.

So, this New Year, you just worry about the plans you need to make and let Uber drivers be concerned about your safety. Have a happy New Year, folks.