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I’m sure like me, as a kid, even you’ve grown up listening to this phrase a million times. And why not, these six simple words strung together have a deeper meaning that holds true for almost everything. They teach you that if you persevere enough, you can achieve almost anything, against all odds. 

“Try & try until you succeed.”

A testament to this is Prachi Makwana, who despite having asthma and hyperthyroidism ended up becoming a successful marathon runner. 

Her journey started with small steps, few laps at a time, but her main aim was to complete those 21 KMs. Hard work, extensive training and hundreds of laps later, she has not only completed numerous marathons, she has also broken her personal record with every run. 

Her story proves that you can achieve your goal by stepping up the effort on every opportunity. It’s all about pushing yourself to do better than what you did yesterday. This is the way you can accelerate towards your goals and not just inch towards it. 

I remember when I was a kid, my uncle got a pair of rollerblades. I wasn’t great at skating, I barely knew the basics of balancing, but I was super-duper excited once I unpacked them. Obviously, the task ahead was rather daunting. 

Every day, for the next one month, I would spend an hour trying to create that balance and maybe take a couple of steps forward. It was bad, no doubt about that. I’d sprained my arm, tore my knees and scraped my elbows. But all that didn’t stop me. I remember that day when finally, I was able to not only balance the blades, but I took 4-5 laps around the rink where I was skating. 

Just like we take small steps in achieving our goals, our investments should run as smoothly and should be built, rather than stocked up. So, once we start investing, we should not rest on that, instead, every year, we should consider increasing our investments, little by little, to help build a secure future.

Like Prachi, if you have continuously stepped up your efforts to reach your goals, then send your story to Franklin Templeton and you can win an iPhone 8* & other exciting prizes. Share your stories here

An investor education and awareness initiative by Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund

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