Ernest Hemingway once said, Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. This really makes you wonder. Our society often forces us to strive for more – a better job, a better car, a better house and whatnot. And may be, this is what takes a toll on highly intelligent people. However, there are other reasons as well why the most accomplished of the lot are mostly unhappy. Here are 6 of the possible reasons for the same.
1. They overthink.
People with a high level of intelligence end up over-analysing things and situations which in turn crowd their minds with a number of thoughts at once.

2. They are always looking for a bigger purpose in life.
People with intelligent minds are often looking for bigger and better things. Because for them, ordinary is too boring.

3. They want to have meaningful conversations.
They hardly find anyone who can understand them and listen to them while appreciating them for the depth with which they analyse things.

4. They have high expectations from everything.
Not being able to accept less than what they expect is another factor that contributes to their unhappiness.

5. They judge themselves too hard.
Being a sucker for high standards, they spend a lot of time analysing themselves. Such deep thinking often messes up their mood.

6. According to studies, they have a higher chance of developing psychological issues.
Bipolar disorder, social anxiety and other such mental disorders have been found to be the side effects of an intelligent mind.

Seems complicated, doesn’t it?