Ever wanted to ride down the road on a bicycle, unhindered by clothes? Thousands of people came together to do just that, but for a cause.
[Highly NSFW content]
A massive crowd of cyclists took to the streets of Mexico for the World Naked Bike ride.

This is a clothing optional event where participants meet to ride together on bicycles, skates to protests against our dependence on fuel-consuming transportation and to deliver a vision of a cleaner, safer, body-positive world. The aim is to raise awareness about making the planet a better, eco-friendly place as also to do away with impossible body standards and to just be comfortable, literally, in your own skin.

The dress code is ‘bare as you dare’, however nudity in this event is not compulsory.

Participants are encouraged to be creative and to adorn themselves with paint, colourful masks or clothes which will capture the attention of the public and the media.

There are pre and post-biking parties that are legendary with DJs,body painting, temporary structures/installation art, political tabling, and catering.

The event took place in Chicago as well.
Here are pictures from the World Naked Bike Ride Chicago 2016.

Conrad Schmidt started the World Naked Bike Ride after organising the Naked Bike Rides of the group Artists for Peace/Artists Against War.

The Chicago World Naked Bike Ride saw hordes of people taking to the streets.

By 2010, WNBR had spread to stage rides in 74 cities, in 17 countries, from the United States to United Kingdom and Hungary to Paraguay.

The World Naked Bike Ride across Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan also saw a good turnout.

However, quite a number were hesitant to go naked as the police had arrested former participants in rides.

People of all ages enthusiastically participated in this event.

The London leg of the World Naked Bike Ride was held on 11th June, 2016.

Cyclists cycled by landmarks such as the Piccadilly Circus and Big Ben.

The message behind the nudity was to highlight the vulnerability of cyclists on the streets.