Introducing a revolution that panders to men who are insecure about making it “big”; a surgeon in Los Angeles has devised a penis implant to succour insecure men and those who want a few inches more.
Dr. James Elist (may his tribe increase!) calls his invention ‘the Penuma’
Implants come in three sizes only: L, XL and XXL.
Why? Because according to him, “nobody wants a small.”

His act of benevolence has helped 1,300 men develop the confidence!
He is the only doctor who is approved to perform the 45-minute surgical process. He’s currently working to get clearance that would allow him to sell Penuma devices to other doctors and teach them how to perform the incision.

The Penuma implants have a whopping success rate of 95%!
With very little risk of complication or infections. The only down-side (which I doubt people would complain about) is that the men end up getting too ‘horned up’.

Even well-endowed men are going under the knife, for ‘enhanced masculinity’!
A 39-year-old accountant, who already boasted of 8 inches, went ahead with the surgery because “I just wanted it bigger.” His wife, however, feels differently about the whole ordeal. “Blow jobs are a little more difficult”, she said.

And no, you don’t have to burn a hole in your pocket.
The surgical procedure costs somewhere around Rs. 8,85,495.