By now, it has proven multiple times that two things are infinite.

The universe.

And Shashi Tharoor’s knowledge of the English language. 

However, Tharoor surprised everybody recently when he tweeted.

In shudh Hindi.

We could hardly believe that this was written by the same man who’d given us ‘exasperated farrago of distortions’ just a few months back.

Which is why we all were like…

Thankfully, for all the faux firangis out there who had trouble understanding what Mr. Tharoor was saying, Twitter was ready with a translation.

But even it had trouble translating some of the words. 

Notice how it gave us a literal translation of this.

Of course, the Twitterati was ready to LOL.

Whatever this means…

This guy who just couldn’t handle Tharoor’s Hindi…

Haters gonna hate, Shashi ji. We’re always in awe of your command over the languages.