They say what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. That a tragic accident is only a small hurdle in the grand scheme of things. With every little obstacle that attempts to slow us down, we learn to view the truly important things in life with a new perspective. It is in these situations that we realize that we don’t need sympathy or pity, just spades of determination and courage, and every summit can be conquered. 

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.

This is the story of Vinod Rawat, a specially-abled biker, for whom the words ‘specially-abled’ don’t mean anything. This video by Shell features his awe-inspiring story of how he overcomes a great personal tragedy to become an example of exemplary courage for all out there. His indomitable spirit & unshakeable optimism in life is something that we should all learn from.  

Watch this inspiring video & tell us what’s #TheWinningIngredient for you?