On Wednesday, while delivering his speech on Motion of Thanks in Rajya Sabha, Narendra Modi took a dig at Congress leader Renuka Chaudhary who laughed out loud at his claim that the idea of Aadhaar was conceptualized during the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government.

Her unstoppable laughter created chaos in the House. Chairman Venkaiah Naidu also warned Ms. Chowdhury for her unruly behaviour but in vain.


What PM Modi said after that has created an uproar on the Internet. He requested the Chairman, 

Sabhapati ji meri aapse vinti hai Renuka ji ko kuch mat kahiye. Ramayan serial ke baad aisi hansi sunne ka saubhagya aaj jaake mila hai.

… And the house again burst into laughter.

Union Minister of State for Home Kiran Rijiju shared the video on Twitter. 

After the session, Renuka Chowdhury dubbed Modi’s remark as “denigrating the status of a woman.”

While Renuka Chaudhary wasn’t quite amused by the Ramayana reference, Twitter was divided on the comments made by Modi.

While some were impressed by the cutting remark,

Others felt that such a bold and sexist statement by the PM was uncalled for.

Not fair.

Discipline should prevail in Parliament.

Did Renuka Chowdhury deserve this jibe for disturbing the decorum of the House or is it really denigrating the dignity of a woman?