It’s April 24 today. It is the last day to show your support for Net Neutrality in the country.
Do you want to pay for the services and applications you use on the Internet, differently? It might cost you Rs 200 for Skype, Rs 150 for WhatsApp or Rs 100 for Twitter, each month. That’s how an non-neutral Internet will look like.
More than one millions protest emails from supporters of Net Neutrality have flooded the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s inbox, The Times of India reports.
At 12 midnight today, the deadline for seeking comments from the general public over TRAI’s consultation paper ends.

On March 27, TRAI uploaded a consultation paper on its website about “Regulatory Framework for Over-the-Top (OTT) Services” seeking views from the Internet users. The protection of Net Neutrality , a notion that telecom providers must treat all the traffic on Internet as equal, has sparked off intense outrage from netizens across social media platforms.
Net Neutrality crusaders, who had started the online Save The Internet campaign, said that the campaign crossed the one million mails mark on Thursday afternoon at 12:42.
“At some point, TRAI is expected to put up the responses on its website for counter comments by May 8,” said Kiran Jonnalagadda, who runs the and websites with a team of volunteer/developers, the TOI report notes.
“Our biggest fear is whether the e-mails (based on the template prepared by the coalition), would be considered as a single e-mail or one opinion,” he said.
Whatever the case, restricting Internet to different payments has derived a massive response from netizens across the country. Certainly, we don’t want Internet to be discriminating.
Don’t let the Internet be treated as a privilege. It’s day zero. Pick up your phone or click the send button. Shoot an email to TRAI. Log on to Savetheinternet now, before it’s too late.
Show your support. Save The Internet. Only 11 hours left!
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