In a shocking incident, a 16-year-old girl in Ghaziabad has committed suicide for being allegedly insulted in public for not paying her school fees. The principal of DSP Public School along with four teachers were arrested on Thursday on charges of abetting the suicide.

The incident took place on Wednesday when Jasmine, a class IX student, was found hanging in a room with a stole around her neck. Earlier that day, her father Bhaiya Ratan Singh Tomar, employed with a security agency, was taken to Sihani Gate police station after four women teachers accused him of threatening and abusing them, reports The Times of India.

b’Source: Twitter’

However, Tomar says that the teachers had come to his place demanding the Rs 12,000 pending fees and had also started hurling abuses at Jasmine.

“Nearly half a dozen teachers had barged into our house demanding the tuition fees and created a ruckus in front of our house. They accused me of trying to pull them by their hands and threatening them. The whole neighbourhood was there and they knew nothing of the sort happened. While cops took me and two women teachers to the police station, the other teachers who stayed back for a while hurled the filthiest abuses at Jasmine,” Tomar told TOI.

b’Representational image | Source: PTI’

Acting principal Shashi and teachers Kavita, Ashok and Durgesh were arrested while two other teachers Madhu and Priyanka have been booked under IPC 306 (abetment of suicide).