A British citizen, who was paralysed during the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, has won a lawsuit seeking compensation against Hotel Taj Palace, reports CNN-IBN. However, the amount to be paid as compensation remains undisclosed.

Will Pike had sued Taj Hotel for not taking any action to protect its guests despite alerts of a possible terror strike.

b’Source: Reuters’

During the Mumbai attacks, Pike was paralysed after he fell from a height of 50 feet while trying to escape from the fire that engulfed the hotel.

Pike, who was staying with his girlfriend at the hotel, had tried to escape from a window in the hotel using bedsheets and curtains. Pike suffered serious injuries due to the fall and was subsequently paralysed, reports DNA.

Pike had filed a case in a London Court alleging that there was no response to the terror alert by Taj hotel which endangered the lives of its employees and guests.