A 14-year-old tribal girl was allegedly gang-raped by three youths, with one of the accused filming the act on his cellphone, in Adilabad district of Telangana, police said on Sunday.

b’Representational Image | Source: AFP’

Three months ago, accused M. Raju, Syed Mathin and Ranjith R, (all in the age group of 23-27) allegedly raped the girl.

The victim, who did not inform anyone about the offence at first out of fear of the assailants, finally told her parents and community elders about it and filed a complaint in this regard on Saturday, the police officer said.

According to the police, the incident took place while she was travelling with a male acquaintance in his auto-rickshaw towards Chinna Rajura village on the outskirts of Asifabad town in Adilabad.

“Raju and his two friends beat up the girland allegedly raped her,” said Asifabad police station Sub-Inspector Sateesh Kumar.

Raju also videographed the crime and he and his two associates later threatened to kill the victim if the matter was disclosed to anyone, the SI said.

(Feature Image Source: AFP)