In an extremely heartbreaking incident, a three-year-old boy was found playing next his parents’ dead bodies at Munirabad railway station in Karnataka, thinking they were asleep, reports The Times Of India

The incident came to light after passengers questioned the boy when they found him wandering alone at the station. After realising that the boy’s parents were dead, onlookers alerted the railway police.

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According to the boy,  he had come with his father 50-year-old Iranna Talawar, and 40-year-old Manjula, from Gadag to visit the Huligemma temple. 

However, he didn’t know that his parents were dead and assumed they were sleeping, and awkward police officials and passengers didn’t know how to break it to him that they had passed away. 

Reportedly, the couple, who were found dead under mysterious circumstances, were later identified as residents of Annigeri and their bodies were sent for post-mortem. 

b’Representational image }Source: PTIxc2xa0′


Hinting that the parents may have committed suicide, a police official told TOI that the exact cause of the death isn’t known yet and it will be confirmed only after the post mortem. 

The police said that they have informed the family members of the parents to come and take the boy  into their custody. If they didn’t turn up they would hand him over to Child Protection Committee officials. 

(Feature image source: Twitter/‏@ChildAwarePro)