People have lost their car keys, wallets and other precious things like their confidence over the years. But have you ever heard about a country losing track of an entire bridge? 

Yes, that’s what happened in Russia where a 56 tonne bridge disappeared overnight.

It’s okay to be baffled but that’s what really happened in Russia’s Murmansk region. According to News18, the bridge that was located on Umba river in the Arctic region is roughly 75 feet in length and weighs over 50 tonnes. 

The Moscow Times

As per locals and a report from NDTV, part of the bridge had already broken down a few days ago and the debris was seen lying in the water below. 

But a few days later, the broken segment of the bridge disappeared completely along with the debris, which fell into the waterbody. What sorcery or black magic is that?

A detailed investigation revealed that the bridge did not sink in the bottom and neither is there any possibility of a natural calamity striking down the entire structure. 

A few locals pointed out the other possibility and claimed that thieves took down the bridge further scrapping it for metal. 

The Drive

According to the Daily Mail, the police is yet to find the whereabouts of the thieves involved and couldn’t explain the methodology behind the disappearance of the bridge. Further reports are awaited.