Women, men, children and the elderly are walking, hitch-hiking and traveling in trains during this lockdown to return to their hometowns and to be with their families. 


But, what does one do and where does one go when they are refused entry into the house, by their own family members, over fears of having contracted coronavirus? 

According to reports, an 80-year-old woman, who traveled all the way from Sholapur in Maharashtra to be with her sons in Telangana, was reportedly not allowed entry into their house. This incident took place on Friday. 

Allegedly, her elder son and his wife denied her entry into their house in Telangana’s Karimnagar area as she came back from Maharashtra where the number of positive cases are high. 

While shedding light on the incident, a division member of Karimnagar Municipal Corporation, Edla Ashok said:

The woman on Friday returned from Sholapur in Maharashtra after a stay at her relatives’ house in the wake of relaxations in lockdown norms, but her elder son and his wife did not allow her into the house. 

The elderly lady tried to convince her son by telling him that she was healthy but he refused to listen. The civic official further claims that even the younger son refused to help the woman. 

In fact, he locked his house and went away over fears of contracting the virus.       


After the neighbours and the authorities intervened in the matter, the women was finally accepted by her elder son. 

Though, officials say the elderly woman would have to be tested for coronavirus and if she shows any symptoms she will be put in a quarantine ward.

Sadly, with instances like these, fear with regards to the virus is also bringing out the worst in us.