Soon after the launch of Mission Shakti, the ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) launched the PSLV C-45 from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

Zee News

PSLV C-45 carried electronic intelligence satellite EMISAT along with 28 other satellites. And the launch happened to be captured by an IndiGo pilot as the aircraft was 50nm from the launch site. 

Capt Karun Karumbaya captured the video from his cockpit, as he informed the passengers to look out and view the breathtaking launch. 

Ladies and gentleman on the right, look outside your window, you can see the PSLV launch, the rocket, on the right side. Wow, that’s amazing. 
Twitter/Manoj Kumar

Naturally, the Twitterati wasted no time in expressing their excitement and awe at being able to witness the launch, as well as to commend the pilot for capturing it: 

Definitely a proud moment for India, and what an amazing capture!