An absolutely weird conversation took place between taxi aggregator Ola and Rahul Roushan, founder of Faking News, on Twitter this Monday.

Roushan, while riding an Ola cab, tweeted this:

Now, given that he has a penchant for making quirky tweets and is the founder of a portal which fictionalizes news and turns it into comedy, one would think that this comment was made in jest and Ola wouldn’t bother replying… But it did!

Okay… We don’t know if that was serious or if Ola decided to play along but apparently, they made an error in their prescription for farts.

Someone pointed it out

Roushan then took it to another level and wanted a refund of the cab ride as it includes “Swachh Bharat cess”.

After going through this Twitter exchange, if you feel something like this, we don’t blame you.

(Feature image source: Twitter)