Democracy in its truest form was depicted in Ireland’s vote for same sex marriage. 1.2 million people voted in favour of the change. However, on the other side of the world, democracy’s darker side reared its ugly head. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abott dismissed the idea of a referendum on same-sex marriage in the country.

Questions of marriage are the preserve of the Commonwealth Parliament”, Times of India quoted the PM.

The Guardian

Referendums are held in this country where there’s a proposal to change the constitution,” he said, adding: “I don’t think anyone is suggesting the constitution needs to be changed in this respect.”

Australian Capital Territory Liberal senator Zed Seselja said he did not support gay marriage, but there was a reasonable case for a referendum in the country.

A vote by parliament is all that is needed and Tony Abbott should allow his party a (conscience) vote on the subject. Cupid doesn’t discriminate and neither should the law,” Seselja added.

Both sides of the marriage equality debate in Australia are promising to step up their efforts following Ireland’s historic vote.

Marriage Equality Australia says if traditionally conservative and predominantly Catholic Ireland can pass this law, there should no reason why the same can’t happen in Australia.

But the Australian Christian Lobby has vowed to campaign harder against same-sex marriage in the wake of the result.

While Tony Abott is completely against the idea of a referendum, a number of MP’s in the Australian government believe it is an important step and must be considered.