Actor Yash Pandit, who has appeared on TV shows like Splitsvilla 8, has been accused of raping a 28-year-old actress. According to a Mid-day report , Pandit allegedly raped the 28-year-old actress several times at his Juhu residence.

Pandit, best known for his performances on Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi and Splitsvilla 8, had reportedly met the actress on September 13 on the sets of a TV show.

The actor then reportedly forced the actress to have sex with him multiple times. According to an India Today report , the actress has claimed that the actor took her to his residence in November on the pretext of introducing her to his parents and forced her to have sex with him multiple times.

The actress said that after the sexual encounters Pandit began avoiding her and she had decided to file an FIR against him. The actress claimed that Pandit had confessed to having similar sexual relationships with other girls in the past as well.

The actress has also claimed that the police isn’t taking sufficient action against the actor due to influence. The police has said that they are still looking for the actor and have been unable to find him so far.