As we reported in the morning, India got its brand new Olympic Goodwill Ambassador and strangely enough, it’s Salman Khan. 

And it looks like not a lot of people are happy about this. Like Aishwarya Rai, for one!

Yes! Ever since Bollywood actor Salman Khan was named as the goodwill ambassador of the Indian contingent for the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the public sentiment has been a long way from positive.


Social media erupted in disbelief…

Even renowned sportspersons couldn’t miss the obvious and called out the bluff:

Even legendary Olympian sprinter Milkha Singh & hockey star Dhanraj Pillay didn’t mince words to criticize the decision and asked for its revision.


While the big debate rages on, somebody started a campaign to ban Salman Khan from being the ambassador and soon, started trending.

We decided to have a look at the site for ourselves and were amused to find out the name of the person who started the petition. And we bet you will be too!

Here, have a look:


That’s correct! The person to start the petition against Salman Khan’s appointment happens to be Aishwarya Rai and we couldn’t help but crack up at the unfortunate co-incidence!


Well, whether that’s just a co-incidence or a smart ploy to give more steam to the petition, this is certainly going to get Aishwarya Rai some attention! 

Here, Miss Rai, enjoy your 15 minutes of fame!