Disclaimer: Graphic details ahead. Please read at your own discretion. 

In a shocking incident, the body of a three-year-old girl was found in a dumping ground in Tappal district, Aligarh – three days after she was reported missing by her family. The toddler was strangulated to death by two men who had a dispute with her family over a loan of ₹10,000. 

inkhabar (Representational Image)

Reportedly, the prime accused, Zahid and Aslam were neighbors of the family. The girl’s father owed them ₹10,000, which he was unable to repay. Allegedly, Zahid had threatened the family of dire consequences if the money was not repaid. 

The next day, the child was reported as missing and three days later her strangulated body was discovered by the police. As per reports, the child was strangulated by a dupatta, following which the accused hid her in a trash bag. 

On discovery, the body was majorly decomposed, the toddler’s eyes were gouged out, but she was not sexually assaulted. 

False information about the incident has already surfaced on social media. However, as per what the police has reported, the two accused are currently in jail and recommendations are being made to try them under the National Security Act. 

Reportedly, local political leaders have met the family and offered financial compensation. Many celebrities also took to Twitter to condemn the heinous act, and ask for swift justice. 

It is important to remember that such acts are atrocities against humanity, and religious differences should not take away from the severity of the act. We hope justice is served swiftly.