Around 6.5 lakh people have been infected with coronavirus in the US, with approximately 30,000 deaths. In Michigan too, 1,900 people have died till now due to the disease.

But even this is not stopping the residents from protesting against the lockdown and other restrictions imposed by the government.


According to a report by The Guardian, thousands of protesters came out on streets to protest against the stay-at-home order issued by the Governor.

Protest organisers had apparently asked people to remain in their cars while protesting. But many protesters ignored this and reached the state Capitol on foot to show their criticism.

Irish Times

Some of them even carried rifles and hand guns with them openly during the protest.

Talking to The Guardian, one of the protesters said:

We’re tired of not being able to buy the things that we need, go to the hairdressers. It’s time to open up.

The protesters even carried posters reading: We are not prisoners and termed this order a ‘tyranny’.

The lockdown in Michigan has been extended till 30th April as a precautionary measure to deal with the pandemic.