At this point, we all know better that to look for had sanitizers in the market. Either everyone’s already taken them or the shopkeepers are just hoarding their stuff to sell it later at a higher price. That’s what happens in times like these where panic sets in. The same goes for masks and other necessary equipment we need to stay safe.

But this surgical shop owner in Kerala is selling them more the mere price of Rs 2. 


In fact this particular surgical store in Kerala has sold over 5000 masks in the last two days, Economic Times reported. 

Nadheem, the co-owner of the surgical shop in Kochi spoke to reporters and said: 

We have sold around 5000 masks at Rs 2 each in two days. We decided to sell masks at a reasonable price especially to the common people like hospital staff and students.

Reporters also spoke with Thasleem PK, co-owner of Cochin Surgicals, who added: 

We have been selling masks at Rs 2 for the last 8 years. But now, the rate has gone up everywhere. We bought the masks at Rs 8 or Rs 10 and are selling at Rs 2, while others are selling at Rs 25.

It is actually heartening to hear the news of honest citizens of the country coming forward to do their jobs, despite the clear possibilities of earning profit.