In times when the where humanity is struggling against hate, violence and fear, little acts of kindness are those which restore people’s faith. In a similar incident from Manchester in UK, a pilot of went out of his way and cancelled take off so that an elderly couple can see their dying grandson in ICU.

The Etihad flight en-route to Abu Dhabi was about to take off from Manchester airport when the couple received a text message about their grandson being in intensive care, as they got the attention of the cabin crew and pilot, Manchester Evening News reported.

b’Representational image | Source: Reuters’

To help the couple spend time with their dying grandchild, the pilot took a last minute U-turn on the runway and aborted takeoff to allow the couple to disembark, as the quick thinking airline staff found the couple’s car and waited for them at the gates, India Today reported.

The couple was able to reach the hospital on time and spend time by their grandson’s side, who sadly died the following day, as the touching story was shared on Facebook by the couple’s travel agent. 

Feature image source: Reuters