And he is back! Remember the BJP MLA from Rajasthan Gyandev Ahuja who told us the truth about JNU students by listing out the statistics over the ‘illicit’ activities that happen at the campus. 

Seems like he’s not done with the famed university as he courted another controversy on Wednesday by saying that rapes happen daily in JNU.

And he is definitely not not one of those politicians who backs down: 

This time he not only targeted JNU, but also launched a scathing attack on the Nehru-Gandhi family, claiming that number of rapes in India was rising due to them. So he offered this solution:

Earlier in February, Ahuja had claimed that 50,000 pieces of bones, 3,000 used condoms, 500 used abortion injections, 10,000 cigarette pieces were found everyday in the JNU campus and students danced naked during programmes.

On Twitter, some wondered if the MLA has moved on from his original theory: 

And we can’t disagree with this one!

We are still wondering why the BJP isn’t taking strict action against Gyandev Ahuja for such irresponsible statements. And it’s not like the party isn’t getting targeted for it

We can’t wait to see what the Rajasthan MLA comes up with next.