After first issuing a warning to Islamic State after the Paris attacks, hacker group Anonymous is coming good on its promise to target Islamic State (IS) on the cyber front.

And they have already notched their first successful attack, according to one report. The hacker group has posted a list of around 900 Islamic State-linked Twitter accounts that has resulted in the accounts being suspended.

While this isn’t expected to end the terror group’s presence on Twitter, it is expected to make life more difficult for them. For one, every suspended account loses its followers and a user would take more time to get them back, says a Metro article .

It also disrupts Islamic State’s ability to continue putting up propaganda on Twitter.

In a video message released earlier , a member of Anonymous wearing mask warned ISIS with this message: “Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down. You should know that we will find you, and we will not let you go.”

The group besides tracking ISIS accounts, has also been sending the geographic location of these account holders to security agencies in Europe and the US.