RJD chief Lalu Yadav on Monday appeared in a special CBI court in Ranchi over his involvement in a multi-crore fodder scam. RJD supremo will now face trial in all four fodder scam cases after Supreme Court set aside Jharkhand High Court order.
The apex court, while setting aside the 2014 order which had stayed the trial against Yadav after conviction in one of the cases, said the high court should have been consistent in its findings and not have given different views for different sets of accused in a case.
Supreme Court also questioned CBI
It also pulled up the CBI for delay in filing appeal against the high court order in the case and said the probe agency’s director should have looked into this important matter and deputed an officer to pursue the case.
The CBI has challenged the 2014 order of the Jharkhand High Court quashing four pending fodder scam cases against him on the grounds that a person convicted in one case could not be tried in similar cases based on same witnesses and evidences.