Drugs are essentially a bad thing for our society. Punjab is plagued with the issue of drug abuse from a long time and it’s high time that the state gets this issue fixed. We’ve already had Udta Punjab highlighting the problem but their attempts won’t bear fruit unless the government takes some drastic steps.
With the Punjab elections inching closer every day, some followers of the Aam Aadmi Party have come up with their very own anti-drug campaign video. The video is about a drug dealer who suddenly realises his responsibility towards the society and… well… he does something, maybe.
The video was made with a good intention but the execution is hilarious. It’s like watching the script from a Sajid Khan movie come to life when David Lynch is directing it.
The best bit is when the dealer adjusts the rear-view mirror and there’s a very distinct mufflerman sitting at the backseat of the car. At first we were a little apprehensive about how Arvind Kejriwal might react to this video but he went on to share it on his Twitter profile. It’s nice to see politicians developing a sense of humour. Or was it humour? What if he was not being funny? This is wrinkling our brain.