Taking a leaf out of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s book, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has now decided to launch his own show to interact with people.

Called ‘Talk to AK’, the session will debut on Sunday, June 17, at 11 am. Call it a co-incidence or a deliberate ploy, Kejriwal’s session is scheduled on the same day and at the same time as PM Modi’s upcoming ‘Mann Ki Baat’. 

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) claims that unlike Modi’s radio address to the nation, which is a monologue, this session will be interactive, reports India Today. They have also reportedly invited people to log on to the website, www.talktoak.com, which will go live in the next couple of days and call on a number given there if you have questions you want to ask Kejriwal.

The interactive session will be held over one hour where the Delhi Chief Minister will take questions sent over social media, phone calls and SMSes. The event will also be live streamed, reports Hindustan Times

The Delhi government is also considering making it a monthly affair.

(Feature image source: Twitter + PTI)