According to reports, the United Nations has estimated that the number of migrants globally has reached an estimated 272 million. The latest estimates of the number of international migrants has been divided on the basis of age, sex and origin for all countries and areas of the world.
UN released new data according to which India is the leading country of origin of international migrants in 2019 with over 17.5 million Indian community overseas.
Statistics were also based on the foreign-born or the foreign population obtained from population censuses, population registers or nationally representative surveys.
Reports mention that India hosted 5.1 million international migrants in 2019 which was lesser than the 5.2 million population in 2015. It also stated that International migrants as a share of the total population in India were steady at 0.4 per cent from 2010 to 2019.
India has hosted 207,000 refugees. Out of the international migrants in the country, the female population was 48.8 per cent and the median age of international migrants was 47.1 years. The highest number of international migrants in the country came from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal.
After India, migrants from Mexico constituted the second largest population with 11.8 million, followed by China with 10.7 million, Russia with 10.5 million, Syria with 8.2 million and Bangladesh with 7.8 million.