All 3 of the patients that were found to have been contaminated by the coronavirus in Kerala have now been cured and sent home. But it has been long journey for all of them, as one can imagine. 


Coincidentally, the very first of those cases was of a medical student from Thrissur, Kerala. She was also the very first confirmed case of Covid-19 in India. After being cured of the disease, she spoke to The Week about the ordeal and how the Government Medical College, Thrissur treated her during that time. 


The third-year medical student at Wuhan University says that she was shifted to the Government Medical College on the 31st of January and was visited by the state’s health minister K.K Shailaja, who to her great relief, consoled her. 

She actually didn’t really miss any classes in Wuhan as the teachers had started giving online lectures from China. 

Khaleej Times

The hospital had set up a WiFi connection for her, along with some other facilities. She says she got to eat whatever she wanted to and by her own admission, ended up consuming a lot of biryani. 


Speaking about how she found out about being infected, she says:

I suspected it when my test result was getting delayed, and saw it on news that one person was infected. Though my mother and friends were in the nearby room, I did not say anything. But when a few doctors came and started talking about the importance of being courageous, I was sure that it was me. I asked a doctor if the positive test result was mine. He said everything was normal and asked if I was scared. I said I was not. Then four doctors came and told me that the test result was positive. 

After that she knew the next few days would be though but the doctors asked her not to worry and helped her a lot. She spent 25 days in the hospital after the confirmation, most of which she spent watching Korean movies. Ironically she loved watching The Flu a lot. 


Now that she’s recovered she is thankful to all those who nursed her back to health and promised to come back and practice in Kerala after she’s done with her medical degree.