In a case of religious vigilantism, a group of men allegedly belonging to right-wing outfit, Bajrang Dal tonsured a man and paraded him on the streets for his alleged attempts at converting people to Christianity.

The incident took place in the Orai area of Uttar Pradesh on January 29. The victim Awdesh Savita was dragged out of his house by a mob of nearly 200 men. They then shaved off his hair, eyebrows and moustache, he was made to sit on a donkey and paraded through the town wearing a garland of shoes. 

When police arrived at the spot to take control of the situation, the mob refused to let Awdesh go and reinforcements had to be called. He was later taken to Orai Kotwali police station. 

Members of Bajrang Dal and Durga Vahini also handed over a memorandum to the Orai superintendent of police to ‘act’ against religious conversions according to a report by Hindustan Times.

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According to a report by The Times of India, it was alleged that Awdesh had forcibly converted three Hindus to Christianity in a church in the Kachwaha village of Mirzapur. 

The news came to light after a local Bajrang Dal member produced one of the alleged converts who narrated his story in public. The converted man also alleged that he was forced to consume beef and made to walk on pictures of Hindu gods and goddesses. 

The police are investigating the case and are verifying the claims of the alleged converts. However, no arrests have been made so far.

(Feature image source: Twitter/ANI News )