After French DJ David Guetta’s gig in Bangaluru on Thursday night was nixed on account of law and order concerns, the city police has now decided to issue a legal notice against Sunburn – the organiser of the event, for allegedly misinforming and falsely accusing the police and the city of the cancellation.
City Police Commissioner Praveen Sood told Deccan Chronicle that he was deeply disappointed about Bengaluru’s image being tainted on “fictitious grounds.”
“The event was not even being held in the city and yet there was propaganda against the city and the police. We didn’t have any knowledge about the concert and came to know of it much later,” said Sood insisting on Bengaluru being a safe and ordered city.
Guetta’s Bengaluru concert was scrapped on Thursday with the organisers citing “law and order situation” following the mass molestation incident during New Year’s Eve as the reason.
“Due to the present law & order situation in Bengaluru following the events that transpired around New Year’s Eve, the authorities have recommended against holding the David Guetta concert scheduled today in the city.
“We at Sunburn tried our very best to make it happen but the authorities understandably are not prepared to take any chances. Hence today’s concert unfortunately stands cancelled,” Karan Singh, CEO, Sunburn, had said in a statement.
Guetta is on a four-city tour which was expected to begin from Bengaluru and then move to Mumbai, Hyderabad and New Delhi.
(Feature image source: Reuters)