Police officials at the Sidhi police station in Bhopal were in for a shock on Thursday when a 32-year-old woman walked in with her three children and holding a severed penis.

When they asked her about it, the woman named Vimlesh Koul said that the severed organ was evidence of repeated sexual assaults she had suffered and she said it was the only way to stop her brother-in-law who had assaulted her, says this Times of India report.

b’Source: PTI’

The woman said that her husband was working in Nashik, and her 22-year-old brother-in-law, Sanju Koul, who was living with her, had been raping her for days. She told the police that during his last attempt, she faked consent and then severed his genitals with a sickle. She also said she had no regrets for her actions.

The police rushed to the house to provide the man with medical support, but he had committed suicide due to humiliation, by hanging himself from a tree.

The police has now registered a case of attempt to murder against the woman.

“The accused woman is shaken…due to the entire episode. She is presently in the village. We have registered a case against her under section 307 and will soon take her in our custody,” a police official told Hindustan Times.