From the land of fake toppers and mass-cheating comes a tale of gross negligence by an educational institute that forgot to produce question papers for students appearing for exams!

As per a Hindustan Times report, Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University was supposed to hold their second semester postgraduate Hindi exam on Tuesday. But the university authorities forgot to print the question papers, forcing 94 students to return home.

In case you are wondering if the university lacked ample time to do it, the HT report adds that the exam schedule was announced well in advance, in the second week of March. Three exams for the semester have already been conducted.

While the vice chancellor has served a show cause notice on the controller of examination, the latter says it never received any question papers from the department to be printed. The Hindi department, on the other hand, is blaming it on a new system – choice-based credit system – for creating “confusion”.

Well, the blame game can’t really cover up the big goof-up that the university has made, something that has turned the lens once again on Bihar’s failing educational level.