Ever since Bihar ‘topper’ Ruby Rai opened a can of worms on national television, the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has been working round the clock to do some damage control. By asking 14 students to sit for a re-examination to prove their mettle.

Source: The Quint



However, Bihar science ‘topper’ Saurabh Shrestha shocked his examiners during the re-examination saying he’d ‘end his life if they continued asking him questions’.

Source: The Week



According to a report by The Week, the threat forced the examiners to stop the questioning process and they had to let him go after asking him a few more questions.

Source: Sanjeevni



Saurabh maintained that of late, he’d been under a lot of pressure owing to the media scrutiny and hence, was unable to answer the examiners’ questions.

Source: The Hindu 


Out of the 14 students that were to be evaluated, 11 have been given a clean chit.

Ruby Rai however, had skipped the re-examination citing health reasons and thus, has been given one week’s time to re-appear.

Source: The Bihar post



With new details emerging everyday, the authenticity of these candidates waits to be seen.