It seems that even union ministers aren’t spared from the wrath of the right-wing troll army. And here is a recent case where environment minister Harsh Vardhan was bashed for supporting Supreme Court’s recent ban on sale of firecrackers. 

On Monday, BJP leader Dr Harsh Vardhan had tweeted welcoming the apex court’s directive on the ban on sale of firecrackers in the national capital region. Harsh Vardhan, who is a practicing ENT doctor, had tweeted how firecrackers not just cause pollution but also pose severe health hazards. 

A screenshot of the tweet:

However, this didn’t go down well with many on Twitter and Harsh Vardhan was slammed for voicing his opinion. He was bashed to the extent that he had to later delete all his tweets welcoming the Supreme Court ban.

And here is a look at the bashing:

No one from his own party came out to support him. And on the other hand, Delhi BJP spokesperson Tajinder Bagga launched a campaign to raise money for firecrackers so that it can be donated to slum kids.
