So apparently, rich people in America are buying jewellery worth millions of dollars because the lockdown is no fun and they are bored.

(Well, let’s just say everyone has a different way of dealing with stress.)

As per an NDTV report, Catharine Becket – specialist with one of the world’s biggest jewellery brokers – said:

Clients are sequestering at home and, generally speaking, leading relatively dreary lives. They’re wearing their big diamonds inside their homes because it brings joy.

While adding that others are ordering stuff so that they have something to look forward to.

I suppose knowing that a million-dollar piece of jewelry is waiting for you is a fulfillment of when things return to the new normal.

As a person looking forward to having momos once things get better, I find this extremely hurtful. But moving on…

The store she works for is Sotheby’s, which has sold 92% of every slot in the 4 online sales, since the beginning of March.

Not just that, most pieces are being sold for a higher price because rich people don’t mind spending more money right now. So much, that the sales expected to go up to $5.7 million have reached $6.1 million.

With the option of going out and socialising taken away from them, these people are now turning to online auctions to buy exquisite diamond bracelets, among other things, because it acts like a ‘pick-me-up’.

Kaun hain ye log!