In a banquet hall of a private hotel in Agra, an angry bride called off wedding and walked away with disgust after she was forced to dance to an item song with her groom on her wedding night. Her family had supported her decision too. 

According to Shashikant Sharma, station-in-charge of Uttar Pradesh police station, it all started when close acquaintances of the grooms demanded the couple to dance to a popular Bollywood item song but the bride refused to do so. 


“So they took the groom to the dance floor, but later the groom came back to the bride and forced her to dance with him. On seeing his niece being pressurized to dance with the groom, the bride’s uncle tried to intervene but was slapped hard. Feeling humiliated, the bride threw away her varmala and called off the wedding. The girl’s father and siblings too took a courageous stand and asked the ‘baraat’ to return. She received complete support from her parents,” Sharma told The Times Of India.

Amidst this, the relatives of the groom got and the bride’s sibling got into a brawl following which the police were called. They detained six men along with the groom and his father, however since the bride’s family had not submitted any written complaint they were released. 

Feature image source: Representational image/ AFP