Being educated clearly doesn’t rid us of the deep-rooted patriarchy and misogyny that is conditioned into our mindsets. And it has reached a point where people think violating someone’s body is okay.

This bride from North Karnataka suffered an ordeal that no one should have to go through. 


According to TOI, she had fallen extremely sick on the day of her wedding and started vomiting due to a case of gastritis.

The groom immediately took her to the hospital but instead of considering that she might be unwell, he doubted her infidelity.

Without her knowledge or consent, he made her sign documents for getting pregnancy and virginity tests.


Reportedly, the two had met on an online matrimonial site. After discovering the actual tests she was put through, the 26-year-old has now filed a case of harassment and for suspecting her fidelity against her husband.


Virginity tests in many parts of the country are a sad reality that women are put through. It’s high time that people realise that this is anything but acceptable. Violating anyone’s body is a right no one should have.